April 10, 2015 | News | Wines | Mature Riesling

Aged Riesling - Mature Mosel Riesling

The Magnificence of Maturing Mosel Riesling

Aged Riesling is a stunning experience. Learn more about the phases Mosel wine goes through as it matures to make the most of your bottles..

Riesling matures superbly well, with or without residual sugar

Mosel Riesling is often enjoyed young and it is easy to understand why: Its youthful exuberance and liveliness is really hard to resist. But the true greatness of Mosel Riesling reveals itself with age. At maturity, it is one of the great wine experiences any wine lover can have. And this does not only concerns the big BA, TBA or fruity-styled wines. Also the great dry and off-dry wines benefit hugely from aging.

When is the best moment to enjoy your Mosel Riesling? This question is difficult to answer in generic terms as personal preferences play an important role. Nevertheless, here are some rules of thumbs which can prove quite helpful.

Of course, the guidance here below presupposes appropriate shipment and cellaring.

Evolution of fruity and sweet Mosel Riesling

Fruity wines typically go through the following phases (here on the example of Spätlese / Auslese):

Typically, Kabinett will follow a faster track than the one above. Also, BA and TBA, thanks to their high sugar levels, tend to go through a less pronounced muted phase than fruity-styled wines made from clean fruit (but make no mistake, most still go through such a phase!).

Evolution of dry and off-dry Mosel Riesling

In contrast, dry and off-dry wines go through a slightly different evolution pattern, as few dry / off-dry wines show any real “primary fruit” phase. Here the overall development phase for top wines from leading sites:

The rules of thumb for dry and off-dry wines have to be taken with an even bigger grain of salt than those for fruity-styled wines. They only concern the small proportion of dry / off-dry Mosel wines which are made to last. Not all dry / off-dry wine “made to last” evolve well as vintages and style play a role. The key criteria for harmonious aging and other conclusions on dry Riesling can be found in Mosel Fine Wines Issue No 14 (Jan 2011).

One thing has remained a constant throughout our wine tasting experiences: whatever his preference, we have yet to meet someone who was not captivated by grand mature Mosel Riesling!

The is an extract of a fully detailed article published in the Mosel Fine Wines Issue No 27 (Mar 2015).
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