January 13, 2015: News, Events

Mythos Mosel - Wine Tasting Event - 2015

Mythos Mosel 2015 | May 29-31, 2015

An advance notice and background information on this great annual wine tasting event celebrating Mosel Riesling.

We provide advance notice to what promises to be a superb opportunity to visit and taste wines from many of the top Estates of the Mosel. Should anyone plan to visit the Mosel region this year, he or she may want to pencil in the last weekend of May for doing so.

Mythos Mosel - The Concept

The Mythos Mosel event is an annual event first held last year, in the southern part of the Middle Mosel in September 2014. This year, the Mythos Mosel will be held in the central part mof the Mosel, from Kesten to Zeltingen, on May 29-31, 2015.

The Mythos Mosel concept is quite simple and is based on three pillars:

1. Winemakers open their cellar doors and offer a representative set of wines to taste from their current range. They may also “host” guest Estates from other parts of the Mosel. As you see on the list, “guest Estates” include the likes of von Kesselstatt, Carl Loewen, Van Volxem, etc.

2. A dedicated bus service allows one to move conveniently from one Estate to another.

3. Some restaurants also participate to this event and offer special “Mythos Mosel” menus.

Mythos Mosel 2015 - Practical Information

The list of participating Estates given on the picture is only preliminary and further Estates are expected to participate. The full list of producers and restaurants participating to the event can be found here:

Web Presence of Mythos Mosel (in German)

Facebook Page of Mythos Mosel

Tickets will be available for sale on the website as of March.

The feedback we got from the Mythos Mosel 2014 event was excellent and the 2015 edition promises to be even more exciting for anyone wanting to taste wines from his or her favorite Estates or for strolling along the Mosel and discover some possibly less familiar Estates.

(NB: Just for the record: We have no stake in or any commercial relationship with this event whatsoever, just drawing the attention to a great event)

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