November 28, 2016 | News | Vintage | Wines

Mosel Vintage 2015 | Dry Riesling Highlights

Dry Mosel Riesling Highlights of the 2015 Vintage

End of the Year: We look back at how dry Mosel Riesling fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage.

Mosel Vintage 2015 | Brilliant Dry Riesling ... at the Top

The dry October and overall clean fruit gave growers the material and time to produce some truly great dry Riesling. In the general context of German dry Riesling (see our article in Issue No 32 – Oct 2016), the cooler Mosel fared particularly well at the art of producing elegant dry Riesling in 2015.

Despite the intrinsic power of the vintage, the list of highlights is heavily tilted towards high end wines, i.e. “GG and equivalent.” In particular, Weingut Fritz Haag, Weingut von Kesselstatt, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Weingut Van Volxem and Weingut Wegeler produced some stunning dry Riesling which are clearly their best ever. But also Weingut Clemens Busch, Weingut Geltz-Zilliken and Weingut Peter Lauer produced some stunning dry Riesling.

As in past years, a not insignificant part of the dry Riesling vintage highlights comes from “non-VDP” Estates, including from Weingut Immich-Batterieberg, Weingut Markus Molitor and Weingut Martin Müllen. In 2015, they are joined by Weingut Julian Haart (whose wines are dry in 2015), Weingut Max Ferd. Richter and Weingut Weiser-Künstler, which produced some awe-inspiring dry Riesling in 2015.

However, there is unfortunately also quite some powerful and sometimes alcoholic dry Riesling out there which did not manage to harness the underlying ripeness of the vintage and caution is required.

But, at the top, 2015 proves superb. If you have not tasted dry Riesling yet, this is the vintage to follow our advice and take the plunge!

Mosel Vintage 2015 | Our Dry Riesling Highlights

We provide here our list (in alphabetic order) of dry Mosel Riesling highlights from the 2015 vintage:

Mosel Vintage 2015 | Dry Riesling Highlights
Mosel Vintage 2015 | Dry Riesling Highlights

Mosel Vintage 2015 | The Mosel Fine Wines Reports

2015 is overall a very successful vintage but not everything that shines is gold. Not every winemaker and not every wine mastered the intrinsic power which the summer conveyed to the grapes.

The detailed tasting notes for over 1,000 recommended wines from over 100 different Estates included in our Reports on the 2015 vintage (Issue No 31, the Auction Guide 2016 and Issue No 32) will help you to navigate through the offers.

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