May 25, 2020 | News | Publications
A sneak preview of the remarkable 2019 vintage including a first set of 100 noteworthy wines.
The Covid-19 pandemic has left the wine world in somewhat of a limbo as the usual “directional” events such as Prowein, the Mainzer Weinbörse, etc. could not take place and visiting the region was / is not possible given the travel restrictions.
As a result, the wine trade (importers, distributors, sommeliers, journalists, etc.) and wine lovers alike could simply not get to know the 2019 vintage as they usual would. We have stopped counting the number of readers (professionals as well as wine lovers) who have contacted us in recent weeks to find out what to buy as the first offers from the 2019 vintage and late-releases from 2018 hit the market.
This is a truly a shame because 2019 looks to be one of the finest vintages ever in the Mosel. At the same time, quantities are low and some of the finest wines are simply in short supply. And growers are in dire need of support in order to be able to continue their work more serenely: 2020 is already in full swing!
We therefore decided to stretch our resources, not wait for the end of June (the usual timeline for the first report on the latest vintage), and release already now an
Exceptional “Preview Issue” with a First Set of 100 Noteworthy Wines
This Issue will give readers a feel for the vintage, provide some orientation on what to buy or reserve with your favorite growers or importers, and thereby hopefully contribute, in a small way, to restoring some flow of trade.
This Issue No 51 is being sent out as we publish these lines and all subscribers should have received their copy by tomorrow.
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